Don Kadair

Don Kadair
Being brought up in a photographic family had it's benefits, growing up in the darkroom, surrounded by all camera formats, 126, 127, 135, 4x5, 5x5 all types of film, black and white, color negative, transparencies, these all set the standard for the quality of photography that I stand by today. Digital opens up so many possibilities and I truly have learned to embrace and utilize all its benefits but holding the images to the same standards that I did when I used film is the ultimate goal.
Years of experience with fashion and documentary photography led the way for myself to become drawn to commercial work. Shooting years of editorial and advertorial and interior work for such publications as 225, The Business Report and Inregister as well as House and Home has definitely refined my style and given me a great opportunity to grow into new areas which I now feel so comfortably right at home. Photography for me is not only a job but a creative way of life and an expression that I was handed down through example by the Kadair tradition which I am so proud to continue on with today.